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Blackmagic Intensity Pro 4K Cooling Mod

The Blackmagic Intensity Pro 4K HDMI capture card comes with a stock cooling solution that is not adequate for the job.

As I was not satisfied with the results of other people’s mods (oversized fans, butchered heatsinks, …), I went on the lookout for a suitable heatsink and silent fans myself.

After browsing for a while I stumbled upon a 40x40mm (60mm diagonally) heatsink that serves as a perfect replacement for the stock heatsink:

Before putting the new heatsink on the the FPGA chip, clean the surface thoroughly with isopropyl alcohol and make sure any remaining residue from the stock thermal pad is removed. Then apply some Artic Silver 5 cooling paste on the FPGA:

I then decided to pair this heatsink with a silent 40mm Noctua fan.

The Blackmagic Intensity Pro 4K requires a 5V fan with 3 pin connector so i chose the Noctua NF-A4x10 5V:

After stripping some wires and some soldering, the final result looks like this:

Blackmagic Intensity Pro 4K with custom cooling mod overview #1
Blackmagic Intensity Pro 4K with custom cooling mod overview #2

The only downside of this mod is that the capture card now uses 2 slots inside the PC instead of one, but at least it does not overheat anymore now 🙂

Milka Leo Catch & Labyrinth (The Leo Computer Game Collection)

Een portie pure nostalgie! Wie herinnert zich de Leo Catch en Leo Labyrinth games die gratis gebundeld werden bij de Milka Leo chocoladerepen eind jaren ’90? Bij een opruimactie kwam ik deze diskettes terug tegen!

Wie zin heeft in een instant throwback naar de 90’s, kan een schijfkopie van de diskettes hier downloaden:

Als alternatief kan je ook onderstaand ZIP bestand downloaden:

Deze bevat beide games waar je enkel het exe bestand moet uitvoeren.

Wel opgelet. Deze games zijn 16-bit applicaties en zullen niet out of the box op Windows 10 64-bit werken.

Om 16-bit applicaties uit te voeren op Windows 10 64-bit kan je winevdm gebruiken.

Een alternatief is een virtuele 32-bit Windows XP machine opzetten.

Beide opties werkten bij mij perfect.

Veel plezier!

My custom made Pioneer XDJ-700 stands

Since I have a small mancave, I was looking for some stands or mounts to place my XDJ-700 players on. The benefit of putting them on a stand or mount is that they take up less space on your desk, since they’re ‘hovering’ above your other equipment.

For the CDJ-2000 players, there are multiple options available. For example: the Zomo P-2000 or the DAP-Audio D8378.

For the less popular XDJ-700 players however, which are considerably smaller, nobody seems to manufacture a comparable solution.

That’s why I decided to design my own custom made XDJ-700 stands. I fired up SketchUp and came up with this design:

3D Render of a custom made XDJ-700 stand

I first looked into letting 3D print this design, but soon discovered this would not be a viable option from a price perspective.

Then I found there are companies that laser cut and fold aluminum plates based on your requirements. One of those companies is (which stands for made to measure aluminum).

They let you send them your design and let you choose a RAL color in which the aluminum plate will be coated. After a few days you receive a quotation.

Next, I needed some brackets to mount the plates on. After a lot of browsing online, I found these monitor wall mounts on AliExpress: :

Measurements of the monitor wall mount

Add some nuts, bolts, spacers and rubber feet and you end up with a very convenient end-result:

Finished XDJ-700 mount #01
Finished XDJ-700 mount #02
Finished XDJ-700 mount #03
Finished XDJ-700 mount #04
Finished XDJ-700 mount #05

When I’m not using the XDJ-700 players, I can simply collapse them inwards which saves up some space.

Interested in making you own XDJ-700 stands/mounts? Here’s the SKP and STL file for the aluminum plate:

Download SKP
Download STL

Overview pic:

Overview picture of the DJ booth